Back in lovely Dunedin
When we arrived at the airport in Dunedin Kathy was already waiting for us – how lovely! We were happy to return to Kathy and Paul – who we call our Kiwi parents now – and their cosy house. 😀 It was also cool to see the crazy birds Elmo and Bert again.
The next day we picked up Alexandras bicycle from the bicycle shop where it had been repaired a little. And then we went on to the already mentioned world’s steepest street. What else did we do during our days in Dunedin? Well, not much as the weather was pretty bad and cold, so we couldn’t really decide to leave our cosy New Zealand home. Also Paul and Kathy telling us to stay as long as we wanted wasn’t really motivating us to leave. 😉
At least we made another small excursion by bike on a day with a little better weather – we went to the excellent Tunnel beach. It’s always fascinating to see what nature is capable of!
And of course we had to play some more rounds of Ludo with Kathy. Just so you know: Even though Stefan calls himself now “the Ludo champion”, he didn’t win every time. 😉
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