Beginning is the hardest part…

So the day before yesterday our journey started in sunny weather and after three kilometers the first challenge arrived: the Wechsel.
Whew! We – especially Alexandra – already had to snuffle a bit! However, all in all it went pretty well for a start, therefore we rewarded ourselves with Käsekrainer (a special kind of sausage) in Aspang. 😀

Afterwards, unfortunately, we followed the Thermenradweg (a certain cycle path in Lower Austria) to avoid the busy main roads – and got misleaded what almost drove Alexandra crazy.
It was only 89 kilometers later that we reached the home of our dear hosts Andrea, Tobi and little Lotti in Leobersdorf who awaited us with delicious raclette. Many thanks again for your cordial intake! 🙂

Yesterday we left Leobersdorf for Mannswörth after a hearty breakfast and after saying goodbye to Lotti and her cheerful grandmother Myriam, again in very good weather.
We were partially accompanied by our favourite bike travels mentor Peter – once again thank you for always helping us with words and deeds!

After a few voluntary detours and 55 kilometers we reached our destination for yesterday.
In Mannswörth Phoivos and Magda fired the barbecue for us, so we could sit back and enjoy – thank you too for your hospitality! 🙂

Today we will leave Austria behind – hopefully the bad weather too…

Abschiedskomitee des PFAU-Vereins

the PFAU farewell committee

Dehnungsübungen während der ersten Bergetappe

stretching during the first mountain stage

Zufälliges Treffen mit dem Versicherungsvertreter unseres Vertrauens

random encounter with our trusted insurance agent

Mark 1

Brav tritt Alexandra den Berg hinauf

Alexandra is pedalling virtuously up the mountain

Juhuu, endlich Niederösterreich

Juhuu, finally Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)!

Stefan braucht eine Pause und eine Banane

Stefan needs a break – and a banana

Unendliche Weiten in Niederösterreich

endless distances in Lower Austria

Begleitung von Peter ab Biedermannsdorf

escort by Peter

Abschied von Peter, der uns extrem viel bei den Vorbereitungen geholfen hat!

farewell from Peter who helped us a lot with our travel preparations

Alexandra bricht in ein Haus ein...

Alexandra is breaking and entering…

Mannswörth 1

Thanks for the Austrian-Greek hospitality, Magda and Phoivos!

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