A detour to Heidelberg


Late we started cycling the next morning, of course in drizzling rain. Although we had to cycle only 50 km that day, the weather spoiled our mood successfully. When we finally arrived at our friend Johnny’s place in Leimen we were just glad. After a delicious dinner and nice conversations in a comfortable atmosphere we could have a good night’s rest.


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Optimistic we had went to bed as the forecast was very good with sunshine and 20 degrees. But in the morning our first glance out of the window made sure that it was the same grey out there like on every other day… After Johnny and Stefan had changed the break pads on our bicycles (phew, that was necessary!) the weather had improved and when we were strolling through the old town of Heidelberg even the sun was shining.


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Of course we also had to check out the Café Mobile of Johnny’s girlfriend Sonja which is awesome and very fascinating!


Sonja (left) and her Café Mobile

Sonja (left) and her Café Mobile

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After a nice breakfast with Johnny and Sonja we had to get back on our bicycles the next day. Thanks again for everything! 🙂


with Sonja and Johnny

with Sonja and Johnny

the old friends :-)

the old friends 🙂


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